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Pharmacy Technician

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Company Description

Jobs for Humanity is dedicated to building an inclusive and just employment ecosystem. Therefore, we have dedicated this job posting to individuals coming from the following communities: Refugee, Neurodivergent, Single Parent, Blind or Low Vision, Ethnic Minority, and the Previously Incarcerated. If you identify with any of the following communities do not hesitate to register, even if you feel that this particular opportunity is not the right fit for you.

Company Name: Colten Care

Job Description

Pharmacy Technician


Keeping the Army fit and healthy means having the right medications available. That’s your job as a Pharmacy Technician – both at home and abroad on operations. Our first-class training will help you get to grips with the role. Once you’re qualified, you could work in field hospitals or medical centres, dispensing expert advice and medications. Remember, you must stay focused enough to help your team and people who need you, even under pressure, in difficult conditions.


Find where you belong.



If you want to be a Pharmacy Technician, you'll start with your initial military training which will teach you how to be a soldier - this will cover everything from fieldcraft to how to handle a rifle. Your initial training will be at either Pirbright or Winchester and last for 14 weeks.

You'll then have two and a half years of trade training. This course includes a BTEC in Pharmacy Services and Level 3 NVQ in Pharmacy Studies as well as practical work placements in pharmacies across the UK.


A Pharmacy Technician can gain qualifications throughout their career such as a Level 5 Diploma in Training and Education



We'll be with you every step of the way as you move up the ranks. From the moment you begin your training you'll get all the support and encouragement you need to make a success of your career. Work hard and you'll soon get promoted, which means more responsibility and extra pay.

Become a Pharmacy Technician and you’ll:

-           Earn £15,985 during training. When your training is finished, and you join your Unit, pay will rise to over £20,400

-           Receive subsidised accommodation and facilities, increasing your disposable income

-           Receive free medical and dental health cover

-           Have the continuous access promotional opportunity and to continually progress your career

-           Be sponsored to earn valuable civilian-recognised qualifications

-           Take part in Adventurous Training and be able to play your favourite sports.



You should be:

  • Regular Army age: 16.6 – 35.6 years
  • Army Reserve age:
    New enlistments: 17.9 – 43 years
    Ex-Regular: 17.9 – 52 years
    Specialist (Soldier): 17.9 – 50 years


Qualifications you’ll need:

4 GCSEs or equivalent at grades A–C / 9-4 in English, Maths and 1 Science.


Fitness requirements:

  • Mid-Thigh Pull 46kg
  • Medicine Ball Throw 2.9m
  • 2km run 11m 15s (11m30s for Junior Entry)


Our next deadline for application is 31st March 2023, with further opportunities ongoing throughout the year.